With a strong belief that many future activities, engagements and interactions will be virtual ones. We have and are presently developing a number of VR and AR applications
Presently we are focused on applications for:
- Personal Growth, Focus, Inspiration & Innovation
- Relaxation & Escape
- Medically Oriented Therapeutic VR Based Alternatives
- Filmed Greece in 2019 in 180VR 3D
- Created Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing INTERNAL iEMDR Test Ver2 forVR180 VR 180 3D
- Filmed “Serene Scenes” filed in 180 3D VR
- Created “Living Paintings” developed in 180 3D VR
Please visit https://www.youtube.com/arden1 to see some examples. Oculus Go or VR headset required. Please make sure to view in 4K resolution.
We also co-developed the Espheric 360 degree imersive VR drone. Our team consist of creative professionals who have years of experience working with CGI production and visual effects for TV, film, AR & VR. Arden’s collaboration in the development of the patented ESPHERIC immersive 360 degree HD universal drone mount system, along with our experience allows us an end to end understanding and control of the entire process from capture to production for digital design, visual effects and CGI production for immersive technologies, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
Additionally, we are actively working on developing not only haptic feedback systems, but haptic force systems to accurately recreate the physics of real world in VR.
To Learn More about the Espheric Drone System please see the 1+ minute video: